
Showing posts with the label Amitaye The District Head (Duke) of Ughorhen District Fecilitate With The Orodje of Okpe. As The New Chairman of Delta State Traditional Council.

Amitaye The District Head (Duke) of Ughorhen District Fecilitate With The Orodje of Okpe. As The New Chairman of Delta State Traditional Council.

  By: Wilson Macaulay Warri.   Okakoro, (Chief) Anthony Ayovogware Amitaye (JP), the District head of the Oil rich Ughorhen District has felicitated with the Monarch of the  greàt Okpe kingdom, His Royal Majesty, Orhue l   Major General Felix Mujakperuo (CFR, mni; rtd) the Orodje of Okpe, over his election and successful innauguration  as the Chairman  Board  of Delta State Traditional Rulers Council, by His Excellency , Senator Dr Arthur Ifeanyi Okowa the Executive Governor of Delta State . Okakuro Anthony Ayovogware Amitaye (JP) in his congratulatory message / goodwill statement  said that the election of HRM Orhue l Major General Felix Mujakperuo (CFR, mni; rtd) the Orodje of the great  Okpe  kingdom is indeed a welcome development because the Monarch since his ascension to the averred throne has  maintained high ethical and moral standards as his policy thrust to ensure that justice and peace prevail in Okpe land. Okakuro Amitaye  the District head of Ughorhen District, noted that