
Showing posts with the label Protesting Students Urge  President Buhari To Revert Petrol Price

Protesting Students Urge  President Buhari To Revert Petrol Price , Electricity Tarriff in Warri

    By: Wilson Macaulay WARRI The National Association of Nigerian Students NANS Zone B  made up of South Southa andSouth-East  students of Universities, Polythenics, Petroleum Institute PTI , Colleges of Education and and other  Tertiary lnstitutions in the zone  today in a peaceful protest in Warri Delta State called on President Muhammadu Buhari to revert  the unpopular decision to arbitrarily increase the pump price of premium Motor Spirit PMS popularly called petrol and also to  maintain the old    Electricity Tarriff  because the realitiies  on ground shows that  Nigerians cannot afford to pay the new throat cutting prices.  The NANS Group  in  their tersely  worded  Official statement made available to Daily Independent Newspaper declared that the only way forward is for President Buhari to listen to the voices  of the masses who are bearing the  brunt of the hike in fuel and ectricity , adding that deregulation coming in the midst of Covid -19 is indeed a bitter pill that is to