
Showing posts from January, 2021

HOSTCOM Urhobo youth call on President Buhari to swear in Odubu , Okumagba NNDC Board

By Wilson Macaulay  ASABA :  The leadership of Hostcom  Youth Wing Urhobo  Ethinic  Nationality has Called on President Muhamadu  Buhari  to swear in Dr Pius Odubu and chief Bernard  Okumagba  Led board for  the NDDC to function  efficiently and optimally.  Comrade Sweet  Otiotio  the Hostcom Urhobo Ethnic Nationality leader  who spoke in Asaba the Delta State capital during the weekend asserted that since the duo has been cleared by the Senate, and there are a plethora of cases pending that are challenging the  unconstitutional arrangement of the sole administrator appointment,  the most honorable thing to do now is to swear in the nominated and already cleared board  members  especially the chairman and the MD in the person of Pius Odubu and Bernard Okumagba           According to comrade  Sweet Otiotio , it is unimaginable that the presidency which nominated the substantive board  members in making could choose to swim against the tide by throwing aside the spirit and letters of the

Chief Bobo Advised EGCDF Leadership to Listen to the Youths Demands

By – Wilson Macaulay High Chief Wellington Bobo, the Oroupawei of Gbaramatu kingdom has advised the leadership of Egbema, Gbaramatu Communities Development Foundation to listen to the protesting youths of Gbaramatu and Egbema kingdom led by Comrade Shedrach Onitsha Ebikeme. Chief Bobo Advised EGCDF Leadership to Listen to the Youth Demands. Chief Bobo made this remark while reacting to the protesting  youth at the Warri office of the Foundation at Airport road on Tuesday 19th January, 2021.  According to Bobo, the Gbaramatu Chieftain, there is need for a truce between the youth and the Foundation so that there will be absolute peace and harmony which is a fundamental ingredient for progress and accelerated development. High Chief Bobo in his statement observed that leaders and elders should always be ready to speak the truth at all times for the betterment and development of our society.


By – Wilson Macaulay High Chief Wellington Bobo, the Oroupawei of Gbraramata kingdom has commended the developmental strides of Gov. Ifeanyi Okowa over the recent successful land breaking ceremony of commencement of DELTRASCO Africa’s largest Transmission Tower Manufacturing Company at Isse-uku, Aniocha North LGA of Delta State. High Chief Bobo who spoke in Warri Delta State explained that Governor Okowa is not paying lip service to his vision of a stronger Delta but he is taking practical steps to make Delta State a hub of industrialization hence he took the giant stride of DELTRASCO using the Delta State Industrial Development Agency DIDA. Speaking further, the Niger Delta chieftain added: “Governor Okowa is working in all fairness, he is doing his best but just like Oliver Twist we still want him to touch more of the riverine communities because of our peculiar terrain which have suffered so much degradation due to oil exploration and exploitation activities. Chief Bobo the good gov

Bad Leadership, Bane of Niger Delta Underdevelopment ….High Chief Wellington Bobo

By Wilson Macaulay WARRI: High Chief Wellington Bobo, the Oroupawei of Gbraramata kingdom has identified bad leadership as the bane of underdevelopment of the neglected Niger Delta region. The High Chief who spoke in Warri Delta state noted in his speech that the compromising nature of the Niger Delta leaders have made the region a cesspool of corruption, a scourge which can never allow development to thrive unfettered in any clime. The good government advocate explained that bad leadership in the Niger Delta have shriveled the economy so much that we are almost worn out and since it is absurd for the people to die in silence, we have to speak out. The Humanitarian Advocate quoted the memorable assertions of Chief Odumegwu Ojukwu of blessed memory, that: “the history of the world is a chronicle of oppression. Since oppression is maintained by force, it is only possible to remove oppression by counter force”  According to the Populist Chief Bobo, it is high time to make the cabals trunc

Peace Group Calls For Cease Fire, Dialogue Between Emede, Igbide Communities In Isoko South

By – Wilson Macaulay The Peace, Development, Security and Humanitarian Rights Association of Niger Deltans has called for a cease fire and dialogue between Emede and Igbide Communities in Isoko South Local Government Area of Delta State which has been locked in a communal crisis that has claimed lives and properties that cannot be quantified. The Group President, Comrade Mike J.K. Tiemo emphasized that the call became paramount and imperative for the overall interest of all Isoko nationalities in particular and the Niger Delta in general for us not to derail from the ongoing Niger Delta agitation for the growth and development of the region. The Humanitarian activist remarked that the God of creation is not an author of confusion, controversies and destruction of lives and properties but of harmony and concord. According to Comrade Mike Tiemo, this is an era of unification to collectively invite foreign investors to such lands for the interest of all parties instead of creating interna

National Butchers Union Of Nigeria, Delta State Chapter Swears In New Exco. As Comrade Adidi Emerges Chairman

By- Wilson Macaulay The President of the National Butchers Union of Nigeria, High Chief John Osemede Adun (JP) aka Bob Izua on Thursday 7th January 2021 at the Cenotaph in the state capital Asaba, inaugurated the Exco of the Delta State Chapter of the Union with comrade Isaac Ok Adidi emering as the Delta state Chairman, and Comrade Atunusha OC. Pope was elected secretary while Mr. Okwudili Chime and David Emeigho got the position of first chairman and second vice chairman respectively. Other Exco members included in the list are Mr. Ohwobeno O. Henry Treasurer, Mr Izuna Aniebuka Financial Secretary, Snr. Apostle Dr. M.L. Ugbobor Snr. Adviser, Asiwaju Salami Olaniy Auditor, Samuel Idhomi Speaker, Mr. Okakoso O.George  Organizer, Mr. Akpoili Lukeman Provost, Mr. Ujoma Julius PRO, Madam Queen Onobrorhe Women Leader, Alhaji Tanko Abdulahi Chairman Delta North, Mr. Godwin Emujakpo Chairman Delta Central, Mr. Sunday Obasi Asst. Organizer, Mr. Dolor Joshua Asst. Secretary, Gloria Ozah Asst.


By Wilson Macaulay: Peace, Development, Security and Humanitarian Rights Association of Niger Deltans led by Comrade Mike J. K. Tiemo has drummed support for the appointment of Hon. Barr. Efiong Akwa Okon as the Sole Administrator of NDDC by President Muhammadu Buhari. The Group President who spoke in Warri Delta State observed that the various agitations stressing the appointment of the Sole Administrator as an illegality is unnecessary distraction and waste of productive time in the developmental effort of the Niger Delta. According to Group president, the Sole Administrator appointed by Mr. President is a Niger Deltan with requisite knowledge and capacity to carry out the relevant function of the commission as the Chairman/ Managing Director of the board which in my estimation is also constitutional, adding that asking him to leave office in the guise of illegality is baseless and irrational. Comrade Mike J.K. Tiemo asserted that these protestant should be withdraw, suspended and

Itsekiris’ Protest Against Ijaw Chairmanship in Warri North Irrational --- Comrade Mike Tiemo

By Wilson Macaulay Comrade Mike J.K Tiemo The president of Egema Communities Peace Development an Human Right Association of Egema kingdom, Delta and Edo State on the 3rd of January 2021 described the Itsekiris’ Protest against the candidacy of Hon. Captain Smart Asekutu as the P.D.P conscious candidate for Warri north local government just because he is an Ijaw man as irrational. Comrade Mike J.K Tiemo the group president who spoke in Warri Delta state called on the protester led by one Gbubemi Awala and others at Asaba the state capital to shun such protest adding that all that is needed in Warri north is to restructure our minds and embrace rapid development of the Communities which are made of Ijaw and Itsekiris’ ethic nationalities in the council Area. According to comrade Mike Tiemo, this is an era of unification to identify the fundamental problems and proffer solutions collectively for the overall development of Warri north local government council in its entirety with out any

Chief Watchman Goes Home, As Family Announces Funeral Activities.

By Wilson Macaualy  The family of late Pa Eyinimisu of Toru-Angiama Community in Patani LGA of Delta State, has announced the funeral activities of the oldest man of Delta Angiama, Double Chief Watchman Eyinimisu, who died at the age of 90, on the early hours of August 30, 2020, after a brief illness. In a joint press statement signed by the family member and Chairman of the Burial Planning Committee, Mr. Holiday Eyinimisu, and the son of the deceased and Secretary, Burial Planning Committee, Peresine Watchman, revealed that on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, at 4:30pm, Service of Song will be held at his compound in Ewerezi Quarters in Toru-Angiama Town, Delta State, which will be followed by candle night at 7:30pm. The activities of day two, Thursday February 11, 2021, revealed that there shall be novelty football March between the Youths of Toru-Angiama South and Toru-Angiama North at 7:00am. At 11:30am, the body of late Chief Watchman Eyinimisu will leave Patani Mortuary for Toru-Ang