The lingering Leadership Tussle of Host Community of Nigeria was brought to the fore recently by a publication in one of the national daily news-papers.

To set the record straight PRINCE DR. MIKE U. EMUH (JP), Executive National ChairmanHost Communities of Nigeria (Producing Oil and Gas) HOSCONBOT Member, HYPREP, Presidency, Abuja. Spoke to Wilson Macaulay our correspondent in Warri on the true position of the matter Titled in this in-view: Leadership Tussle In Host Communities Of Nigeria (Producing Oil And Gas) The True Story and why their are after my lifeQuestionsWhat is really the issue between HOSCON over registration and how has CAC resolved the matter as at today?Answer:I, Prince Dr. Mike Emuh, the Executive National Chairman of the Host Communities of Nigeria (Producing Oil and Gas) HOSCON and members of the original Board of Trustees that was made up of six (6) members and His Excellency, HRM, King Alfred Diete-Spiff was elected as the BoT Chairman with other five members registered by Corporate Affairs Commission, CAC, in the year 2010 as HOSCON which was founded in the year 2002 by the Founding Fathers under the leadership of High Chief, Dr. WellingtonOkrika, CON. The Founding Fathers founded the organization as Host Communities of Nigeria, HOSCON,following the coinage of the acronym TROMPCON. HOSCON is the acronym while HOSTCOM is the slogan. HOSTCOM was not founded by anybody until the year 2019 when the splinter (parallel group) under the leadership of Benjamin Style who criminally told a lie to CAC that all BoT Members ceased to reside in Nigeria, that CAC should effect changes in the constitution of the BoT with the new registration of HOSTCOM which is now the new body carrying old HOSCON CAC registration certificate number. When this fraudulent and illegal act was discovered by the BoT, we officially wrote to CAC to correct this error, which is now in the making and CAC has invited both parties to determine the right BoT as it was orinally registered in 2010. It was discovered by CAC that HOSTCOM group told lies to CAC that HOSCON BoT members ceased to reside in Nigeria and as well forged the signatories of HRM, King Alfred Diete-Spiff and all other BoT members. The change of HOSCON Board of Trustees is unconstitutional based on HOSCON Constitution.Question:HOSTCOM insists you were its PRO until you were expelled and you went to resurrect HOSCON?Answer:On the issue of HOSCON National PRO and not HOSTCOM for 9 years as against 4 years was unconstitutional in HOSCON constitution that was made to be 4 years or 8 years for second tenure.The acclaimed expulsion of Prince Dr. Mike Emuh from HOSCON as pronounced by publications, letters or any form by Late Thomas Edewor and Late Chief A.M Bubor was illegal and unconstitutional and was based on lies. Hence, no Committee was set up to investigate any act of indiscipline to warrant expulsion of a National PRO who also is a member of BoT without any committee set up or at any AGM. HOSCON constitution does not give room to expel Oil and Gas Landlords, BoT members and National Executives by any individual or a National Officer. It is the BoT members that are saddled with such responsibility to expel any National Officer without a committee set up to try the erring National Officer or a two-third (2/3) majority vote at the AGM.Question:We hear you are currently being trailed by some strange persons, have you reported to the police?Answer:On the issue of threat to life, its naturally and pathetically sorrowful by one Evang. IbinaboboSanipe of Rivers State and Benjamin Style of Bayelsa State who daily trail my movements with text messages of threats, body languages of evil intent and actually acting and threatening to kill me in person. This they didwhen they brought thugs to Transcorp Hilton Hotel, Abuja, in the presence of the Founding Father, Wellington Okrika, BoT Chairman, HRM, King AlfredDiette- Spiff, and carted away all HOSCON documents from the Lead Consultant of HOSCON two (2) years ago. This act was reported to the Maitama Police Station, Abuja, and the act was recorded on CCTV of the hotel.I was trailed by three of Benjamin Style’s boys in Warri, and one of them was apprehended with a gun and was handed over to the “B” division of the Nigeria police Station in Warri, Delta State.Recently, Sanipe and Benjamin Style sent threat text messages which I have presented to the Nigeria Police, SIB, Abuja. And of recent, I was openly attacked and assaulted by Benjamin Style and his HOSTCOM group at the PIB Public Hearing at the Federal House of Representatives hallowed chambers on the 28th of January, 2021, which was recorded and aired by Channels Television, AIT, NTA, etc, and the video went viral on Social media globally which speaks for itself. In that open attack, I was wounded, rushed to the hospital for medical attention in Abuja. All of the above have been reported to the office of the IGP of Police in Abuja for further investigation and action by the Nigerian Police. At the moment, my life is under threat.I am appealing to the security agencies to keep watch over me, and I am begging all the Traditional Rulers and Clergymen in the Niger-Delta Region to intercede on my behalf in prayers for Gods protection.I am an advocate of Peace, Unity, Progress and Development of the Niger-Delta Region. HOSCON is not ready for Media battle but for Peace.



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