Delta Political Vanguard Expresses Solidarity , Support For Governor Okowa's Transformational Strides ------- Vows to Remain Faithful as His Political Footsoldiers

By Wilson Macaulay


The National Exco and the entire membership strength of the Delta Political Vanguard DPV has expressed their solidarity , total support and implicit commitment to the political mentorship of  governor lfeanyi Okowa of Delta State.

The group make this promise in a communique released at the end of a well attended meeting held at Koko  the headquarters of Warri North Local Government Area on  Sunday August Ist  2021 .

Evang Michael Diden Ejele the National Chairman of Delta Political Vanguard

in his welcome address after thanking all for coming disclosed that the time has come again for DPV to go back to the field to deliver another resouding victory for PDP in Delta State come 2023 under the impressive leadership of governor Ifeanyi Okowa.

Ejele the DPV boss  noted that even though  the  group  have won medals before in 2015 and 2019 there is need to repeat that victory again to guarantee a successor who will not  rubbish the sterling legacies of the "Road Master"  governor that was built on the platform of hard work and deligence to duty.

Evang Ejele the DPV boss who pledged to remain under the political mentorship of governor Ifeanyi Okowa observed:    "Our amiable governor ,Senator Dr Arthur Ifeanyi Okowa has demonstrated that he is a detribalised and   seasoned administrator who has brought unprecedented dividends of democracy to change the narrative of Deltans positively.

Ejele , the incubent Board Chairman of DESOPADEC explained in his speech that  due to the political sagacity of governor Okowa , DPV as a group  chose the  Slogan: "Where Okowa Go We Go, On Okowa We Stand" because he has never led us astray.

 Going  further, he stressed with emphasis saying : " It is true that we have won some medals in the past but the PDP victory come 2023 will be a world cup victory.I advise every member of DPV to stand firm and get ready to go to the field to  secure another victory which is the only way Deltans can be sure of continuuity of the Stronger Delta Vision which has brought empowerment to our Youths and women in their chosen vocation or trade.

Chief Ifeanyi Eboigbe a top echelon member of DPV and Director of Protocols to the governor of Delta State who spoke next remarked : 

" lt is important for all members of DPV to work closely in unity of on purpose for the group to continue making progress

and winning of electoral victories which is  the major hallmark of the Delta Political Vanguard."

Chief Eboigbe the Delta Protocol Director  added : " ln a  short time we shall be  inaugurating our Local Government Exco. ln doing that, the group  desires to have a truly inclusive body that will parade all  our first eleven players in the political field. One good way  to ensure that we get it right is to avoid imposition of people   and source for the credible leaders in all the twenty five LGA across the State."

While eulogizing the Stellar leadership quality of governor Okowa, Eboigbe said: " His Excellency, Senator Dr Arthur Ifeanyi Okowa our indifatigable governor 

is a symbol of Unity, peace and unfettered Progress for the good people of Delta State every  right thinking person who is a Progressive democrat would love to key into that, which is exactly the reason we are here."

He emphasized that  there is need to support governor Okowa to Produce a

credible successor so that Deltans can continue to enjoy the benefits of the

SMART Agenda and the Stronger Delta Vision which has become a template of

the policy thrust of many States across the nation.

Chief Charles Ufuoma Obule another prominent member of DPV, and  one time Governorship aspirant in Delta State Who also spoke assertted in his speech that , the National Chairman of DPV,  Evang Michael  Diden Ejele is a  man with a good track record of truth, trust and dependable followership under the tutelage of governor Okowa.

He acknowledged that the laudable performance of Okowa as the "Road Master" Governor would have earned him third tenure if it is allowed by our constitution.

Chief Obule stressed with emphasis that the DPV National Chairman selection of the Slogan , Where Okowa Go We Go, On Okowa We Stand is  very ideal at this moment of the State Political equation.

Hon Ereyitomi another prominent member of DPV who also spoke affirmed the position of those who spoke earlier as he queued behind them saying : "The time has come for our indomitable DPV group to garner victory

again  for PDP our great Party under the leadership of His Excellency, Senator Dr Arthur lfeanyi Okowa who has demonstrated purposeful leadership

by changing the narratives of the Government and good people of Delta State for better."

Chief Festus Ovie Agas the Chief of Staff to Delta State Government in his

 remark testified that  the DPV group

is very strong , reliable and  result oriented.

The Delta HoS maintained that as usual,

any  effort put into DPV to secure victory 

for PDP  at the polls come 2023 shall be adequately rewarded as the group Will be part of those to form the new Government.

He urge all members to stay Committed

to the noble objective of DPV and by the grace of God they will arrive at the promised land.

Hon Chief Eunice Adaji Okoh another

eminent member of DPV who spoke onbehalf of the women assured the audience that they are prepared and ready to mobilize support across the twenty five LGA to ensure victory for PDP  come 2023.

Continuing,she added : " Our amiable governor, Senator Dr Arthur Ifeanyi Okowa has empowered women and Youths beyond our widest imagination

 with various window of opportunities 

available for our people   that is why we are routed and committed to support him to produce a worthy successor who can be trusted to   build on the prosperity legacies of our indifatigable governor."

 Hon Eunice Okoh reaffirmed that governor Okowa as a detribalised Leader has proportionally developed the  three Senatoial districts of North , South and Central across board without any form of  discrimination.

In summation she said : " We the Women are ready to do everything possible to route for the success of PDP using the instruments of DPV to repeat what we have done before, this time  in a more resounding manner to honor our governor who has done so much for  Deltans and to depeen the roots of the dividends of democracy ."

The Chairman of ALGON in Delta State Hon Victor Ebonka who also spoke amongst other dignitaries concurred with  the earlier speakers that victory for PDP in 2023 genereral election particularly in Delta State

is a task that must be done.

He expressed total commitment of ALGON to the course of Delta Political Vanguard for the laudable role  the group has been  playing by  making itself  a dependable pillar of support to the  administration of Senator Dr Arthur lfeanyi Okowa since his first tenure till date.

Chief Askia Ogieh the MD of DESOPADEC who is the Deputy National Chairman of DPV while giving his well laced  address of vote of thanks commended the single effort of every member of DPV and stressed the essential need for more frequent meetings to fine-tune delibrations on the way forward.


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