Any Further Delay  in  The  Inauguration  of The NDDC BOARD  is  a Clear  Betrayal  of Trust


Prof Okaba,President Ijaw  National Congress.

By: Wilson Macaulay


Professor Benjamin Okaba, the President Of Ijaw National Congress INC any further delay in the inauguration of the NDDC board is a clear betrayal of trust and display of State insensitivity on ljaw nation and Niger Delta region.

  The National leader contended that after 16 months of postponement and rigmarole, the Hon Minister of Niger Delta Affairs, Chief Godswill Akpabio has finally submitted the long overdue report of the Forensic Audit on the NDDC two weeks ago through AGF Malami to Mr President. 

 Prof. Okaba lamented that the complexities and superfluousity that trailed the said Audit process, in addition to the diversionary comments of Mr Malami have left us with more worries and suspicion of the true intentions of the exercise. 

The piqued lNC President asked rhethorically:  "Why  has Mr President till date not said anything about the report and the inauguration of the substantive board, over two years into the life span  of his 2nd Term despite public concerns and condemnation  on the implications of managing the NDDC as a private estate"

 He Posited that the  INC considers it as a huge integrity test and task on Mr President to immediately submit the Forensic report, undiluted to the corridors of public domain with the guarantee of free and easy access by anyone that cares, in line with the Freedom of Information Act.

The ljaw nation he opined  is dissatisfied and displeased with the mere mention of figures such as N6trn spent on the NDDC and many others that when weighed and compared with figures from other available benchmarks published earlier by the External auditors and the office of the auditor general, exhibit clear discrepancies and confusion of data.

 Prof Okaba wondered why there is  deemphasis  over 1.3trn owed the NDDC by the FGN? Why no mention of the hundreds of billions of naira paid to emergency contractors between Jan 2020 and August 2021 while genuine contractors are still owed several billions of naira? Why the passage of the NDDC budget with a provision of N452.2BN in December 2020 when the NDDC had received only 194bn as at that date?

 He explained that  Aso Rock need to allay the fears  of  relevant Stakeholders and Nigerians in general that the  Akpabio orchestrated NDDC Forensic Audit will not turnout to be another scam or instrument of witch hunting, intimidating and blackmailing perceived enemies and to further short-change the ljaw nation.

 He demanded  the immediate publication of the Audit report with highlights on the achievements, strength and weaknesses of the NDDC and recommendations going forward. For purpose of transparency and accountability, we also would like to know how much was expended on this audit.

 The federal government  Okaba said should make the outcome of the forensic audit public including publishing the names of those culpable in the mismanagement of the funds of the NDDC and abandonment of projects over the years. 

The INC frowned  at the secrecy with which the outcome of the forensic audit is being handled. The people of the Niger Delta region deserve to know every detail relating to the report of the forensic audit. 

 The INC  he continued,also insists that there should be no cover up or sacred cows in the implementation of the outcome of the forensic audit.  All the persons culpable irrespective of class, creed and political affiliations should be brought to justice without fear or favour. 

In summation Okaba said : " Going forward, the federal government must stop the practice of using the NDDC as a political patronage agency which is controlled and managed from Abuja instead of  the people of the Niger Delta region. The NDDC going forward must be acc#ountable to the people it was created to serve and not those in positions of authority in Aso Rock."


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