Petroleum Training lnstitute PTI Effurun Swears In Students Union Government

 Petroleum Training lnstitute PTI 

 Effurun Swears In Students Union


By Wilson Macaulay


The Petroleum Training Institute PTI Effurun Delta State has sworned in the newly elected  Exco of the Students Union Government (SUG )for  2021/2022 Academic Session.

Those who made the list  at the   well attended  event held at the Council' Chambers of the lnstitute are , Comrade Esharedoro Christian Efe, President SUG, Comrade Godwin Samuel, Vice President,  Chidozie Chioma Blessing, Secretary General,Ndudim Anthony Uchechukwu, Assistant Secretary General, and Comrade Temisa Oghenevwede Collins as PRO. 

Others who made the list include Obus Simmer UyoyoOghene  , Financial Secretary,Kompani Oghenerunor, Welfarer, Ofulue Anthony Ifeanyi,Social Director  , Orji Marious lfebuche, Sports Director and Odemero Martha Ogheneyoma who came in as Treasurer .

Dr Henry Adimula, the Principal /Chief Executive Officer of PTI in his  welcome address during the ceremony thanked Directors of the lnstitute, Members of the Academic Board , Management and Staff , Out - going SUG / SRC Executives, the newly  elected  Exco  and all dignitaries who  came to attend 

the    swearing - in ceremony of the

2021/2022 Academic Session of 

 PTI  Students ' Union Government .

  The  PTI  Chief  Executive Officer stated that the  election which was conducted on Saturday , 23rd November , 2021 , witnessed students ' who congregated in large numbers to vote candidates of their choice which saw both the emergence of winners and losers .

Dr Henry Adimula who commended 

 the students for sustaining 

democratic principles on campus also

 appreciated the  Independent Students ' Electoral Committee ( ISEC ) , the Students ' Affairs Officer and his staff for conducting a free , fair and credible election .

Dr Adimula noted that 

 from the results declared , the President elect polled 68 % of the total votes cast  Which according to him is a clear indication that the new President and his Exco  are   widely accepted by the students of the Institute, adding that the result of the election is a true reflection of the  students ' voice .

 While giving his counsel as a Father to all in the Academic Community,  Dr Adimula observed : " I wish to advice the winners to extend the olive branch to all who contested the election in order to work as a team so as to achieve the goals and objectives of the Institute."

The Academic Don Pointed out that as elected officers , the new members of the SUG  are now saddled with an uphill task of trust , therefore , he  urged the student Union Leadership  to at all times represent those who elected them  and to also bear in mind that their  position as elected officers does not in any way elevate them  above any student and on no account ,  should the privilege be used for self - aggrandizement . 

 Continuing , he  added: ' I charge you to exhibit high sense of maturity and carry along the entire Students devoid of ethnicity , religion and discrimination , bearing in mind that discipline and unity are prerequisite for a successful tenure ."

Adimula who emphasized the need for the SUG Members not be distracted advised thus: " Please endeavour to stay focused and purposeful , not allowing your ranks to be infiltrated by internal and external forces of strife to destabilize the Institute's academic activities . "

 He emphasized saying: "It is  my hope that you will pursue creative and innovative programmes that will promote Academic and Social Activities on campus such as periodic organization of seminars and workshops , sporting activities , and join hands with Management to fight cultism , academic corruption and other social vices headlong . "

The PTI CEO who  Pledged  the  cooperation and total support 

of the lnstitute to  the SUG    remarked : "Management on its part , will not relent in its determination to provide and continue to upgrade facilities in the Institute that will create an enabling environment which will facilitate teaching and learning ."

While stressing the need for the SUG to be good interface between Management and the Students, the PTl Chief Executive Officer said;

 " Please inform your members to always imbibe the maintenance culture of these facilities and be partners with Management in its bid to achieve the dreams of its founding fathers of moving the Institute to the next level of training competent technical manpower for the oil and gas sector ."

Adimula who  admitted that Management is aware of some challenges students are facing on campus , Promised to  put in place machineries and programs that will systematically address these challenges.

 He  emphasized in his address that the students body can be restassured

that    Management in its relationship with SUG and SRC will always be disposed to dialogue on issues that will improve Students Welfare and as such, it is expected that as the eye of the  students' , SUG  should reciprocate Management's gesture by embracing dialogue  rather than confrontations or protests.  

 Adimula in his summàtion  said:

"Finally,You should shun every form of social vices and discourage violence among fellow Students on campus.  "Violence they say, never builds, it only destroys".  If you take the oath of office today, remember to always abide by it.  Once again, congratulations on your victory at the polls.  On behalf of Management and Staff, I wish you a splendid 2021/2022 tenure. "

The newly elected President of the PTI

Student Union Government ( SUG)

Comrade Esharedoro Christian Efe who spoke on behalf of the Exco in his acceptance/ inaugural speech appreciated the Principal/ Chief Executive Officer( CEO) of the Institute, Dr Henry Adimula, the Directors, Academic Board Members, Management and Staff ,

especially  the Independent Students' Electoral Committee (ISEC) and the Students Affairs Division for conducting a free, fair and credible election which ushered in the new  executives who emerged  victorious at the polls.

Comrade Esharedoro , the new PTI  Student Union boss also  extended  his  heartfelt appreciation to his  fellow students who unanimously gave him  68% of the total votes cast, a phenomenon which he described as a   a strong affirmation  that he and the new Exço are  widely accepted  by  all  the students.

Speaking further, he declared a Policy statement saying: "As we mark the beginning of a new tenure, I want to seize this opportunity  to register my Zero Protest Agenda ( ZPA) for the next Academic Session which will be achievable if the Management is ready and willing to create a formidable bond with the students community by creating an enabling environment 

which will advance the welfare and academic performance of students."

,Comrade Esharedoro the PTI SUG President in his speech  affirmed that for considering him Worthy,  to lead the Students Union, he will consolidate on the   mandate given to him  by  putting up a robust  interface Which will ensure  that the  voice  of the student body is  loudly heard on campus.

The PTI  SUG boss assured the academic Community that ,together with his Exco, they  will do their very best to use the instruments of their good  office to .manage the affairs of the Union in line with the bye laws guiding the student body.

 Comrade Esharedoro  who   emphasized the need to be magnanimous in Victory said :

 " Now that the election is over ,we must avoid the practice of the  winner takes it all,  by embracing the spirit of sportsmanship."

 Continuing, he added: "l hereby extend the olive branch  and my hand of fellowship  as I  invite   our  colleagues Who contested with us  to feel very free to come  on board and join hands with the new Exco to build a more vibrant student Union for the great and unique Petroleum Training Institute PTI Effurun, Warri Delta State."

 Conclusively he said : " I look forward to working with the Management in representing the PTI students community and to my fellow students be rest assured that your interest is in safe hands."


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