The Governorship vision of * Hon (Barr) Ejaife Omizu Odebala*

 The Governorship vision of *

Hon (Barr) Ejaife Omizu Odebala*


Cascaded by. Wilson Macaulay

Warri 08030886420

  As encapsulated in the HEAL Delta Agenda 2023. *H.E.A.L* is only an acronym which embodies some of the critical aspects of governance as they represent the basic needs of Deltans.

*HEAL* stands for:


*H* - Health

*E* – Education

*A* – Agriculture

*L* – Livelihood



Improving on the already established health policies of the present administration of His Excellency; Sen (Dr) Arthur Ifeanyi Okowa with a different approach to providing quality and affordable healthcare delivery system.



With a slight touch on educational infrastructure, giving a different policy guidelines which would encourage teaching/learning across the state and in turn protect government properties within the schools from vandalism. Education at this point would be made job oriented, giving students opportunities of employment even while schooling.



The approach of his administration on Agriculture would be hinged on the idea of *“TILL 2 FEED”* with a drive on the policy to:

Plant for Food and Job

Plant for Export & Rural Development

Agricultural Mechanization Services.



As part of effort to create better means of livelihood for Deltans, the Odebala administration would look at meeting Deltans at the point of their needs through a seriously monitored Public Private Partnership with special focus on funding good business ideas, Renovation & Putting to good use all Government Abandoned Assets, a slight touch on the oil & gas sector, the judiciary, transport, security etc



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