Niger Delta United Group of Ex Agitators Gives PAP August 10 th, 2022 Notice To Shut Down Oil Assets in The Niger Delta Region If Dikio Fails To Meet Their Demands


By Wilson Macaulay

The leadership of the Niger Delta United

Ex Agitators of the Presidential Amnesty Programme ,( PAP) Phase 3 in strong terms  has given a Protest notice to 

Cornnel Milland Dikio (RTD) and other relevant agencies of the Federal Government to   shut down critical  oil  Infrastructures and installations in the Niger Delta region if what they called their legitimate demands are not looked into within  the time band of August 10th 2022.

The former War lords in an open letter


to President Muhammadu Buhari , copying PAP  Office, FCT Abuja, Director General, DSS, lnspector General of Police, IGP,  South South Governors, Director,DSS Delta State Command and Commander of Joint Joint Task Force, JTF Delta State ,

 signed by General Joseph  Akpos Jericho as Chairman,  General Timibra Gabriel, Vice Chairman,  General Ivwromon  Ebi Ogaga, Secretary and ten others made available to Daily lndependent Newspaper reads in part:

" We the agrieved and shortchanged  members of Presidential Amnesty Phase 3 and our camp boys  who voluntarily disarmed and submitted

our arms to wiligling embrace the presidential amnesty program (PAP) as proclaimed by president Musa Yar-adua in 2009- 2011, because of the promises of a better life

 for us Which has become a dream in fiasco hereby  issue a Protest notice to

shut down critical oil locations in the Niger Delta region on or before August 10th if our demands are not properly addressed within the August 10th time band.

The Ex  War lords remarked in their

demand/ Protest notice : " We laid  down our weapons and allowed the

Niger Delta  region's oil to flow freely 

but non of the promises made by the

Presidential Amnesty Programme PAP

had been fullfiled rather they chose to

play politics with our destiny."

 The Niger Delta United Group of Ex Agitators lamented in their statement:  "Year 2011 signalled the commencement of a long sojourn and suffering our  life, following our decision to voluntarily surrender our weapons and embrace the amnesty program."

 The leadership of Amnesty Generals

alleged that : The PAP officials under the leadership of Cornnel Milland Dikio and Fred  Kemepado  have frustrated all our

 efforts geared towards getting  us enlisted  as bonafide ex-agitators, despite having  our JTF clearance certificate issued to us in 2011. "

To convince  other relevant stakeholders and the general public  to understand the extent they have labored for justice to prevail they explained in the  open letter to President Muhammadu Buhari thus: "When series

 of our  correspondence  were not  responded to, we approached a Warri federal high court for redress yet to no avail,"

The United Ex Agitators pointed out

in the protest notice : " " Your Excellency, from the above narration we have come

to the conclusion  that the  PAP officials, will never consider our case. hence, we

 have fixed 0600 hours Nigeria time. 10th of August, 2022. As the date to commenced the shutting down of all oil facilities in the Niger delta region and to block Ologbo & patani bridge in delta state and mbaima in Rivers state simultaneously."

They further said:  "We shall remain there until all our entitlements and benefits as contained in the amnesty proclaimation of 2011 is accorded to us because we are not criminal elements as PAP officials may want to brand us before you, rather we are genuine sons  of the Niger delta region, who wholeheartedly embrace the anmesty program with JTF clearance certificate in 2011, "

They declared  their major demands

amongst others as follows

 1.We want President Buhari to use his executive fiat to   declare  a state of   emergency in the amnesty program .

2  Mr President should order Dikio and his cohorts  to explain  the reason for the  continuous denial of third phase ex-agitators of their entitlements and benefits

3   The PAP offíce should give  reasons for  monetising amnesty training program 

4  The PAP should be ordered to give  reasons why person's trained since 2014 are yet to get their starter packs

5 Dikio should tell Nigerians and the whole world what happened to the three thousand recovered slots, after PAP payroll forensic audit in 2021

5  We demand to know the reason  for the continuous payment of monthly stipends to dead ex-agitators

6  What's the reason behind the continuous monthly stipends payment of about five million naira, monthly to some camp leader's while some gets nothing

7 Who are the CEO/MD of PAP training/empowerment contracts

8 We stress with emphasis that our boys

who disarmed with us are now threatening our life because of the failure of the PAP offíce to recognize

 , document  and train them as originally contained in the Amnesty guideline.

9 The leaders of Amnesty Phase 3 should be given leadership training, empowerment , Scholarship slot and camp allowance .

10  If nothing is done to these germane requests,We are going to shut down all oil facilities in the Niger Delta region.

-We will shut down Otorogu Gas plant 

-We are going to shut down all Airport in the Niger Delta region.

We are going to stop the movement of the train at the train station located at Ujevwu udu LGA.

11  We demand that the recovered missing slots should be given to us the leaders of Phase 3 to settle our boys 

who are already at daggar point with us

due to the refusal of Dikio to implement

the PAP policy statement of the letter.

12 While we plead with Nigerians, to kindly understand the little pain our actions may cause them, we also plead with men of the Nigerian military and men of the Nigeria police force, that will be sent to clear us from the road, to first foremost put themselves in our shoes, walk the distance in our stead and feel the eleven years we have wasted begging PAP officials to listern to our plight.  Which they never thought worth their time. 

They noted in the letter Mr President that they are open to any invitation  convened by relevant stakeholders to discuss the issue and iron it out amicably  on or before the deadline

of the  Protest notice of August 10th 2022

ln summation they  stressed: " Failure

to meet  our  clear and legitimate demands on or before August 10th 2022

whatever happens thereafter, Dikio and his cohorts should be held responsible for any damage in the Niger Delta region

the Ex Agitators concluded.



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