Niger Delta United Group Ex Agitators' August 10 Ultimatum To PAP Remains Valid, Abuja Urhobo Youths Are Hired lmpostors

 Niger Delta United Group  Ex Agitators'  August 10 Ultimatum To PAP  Remains Valid, Abuja Urhobo Youths Are Hired lmpostors 

By Wilson Macaulay

Another Group of Ex Agitators in the Niger Delta Which identified themselves as Concerned  Stakeholders in the Struggle( CSS) have stated in strong  terms  that the August 10th Ultimatum given  by the Niger Delta United Group of Ex Agitators of the  Presidential Amnesty Programme phase 3  remains standing and valid until their demands are looked into  as clearly stated  in their open letter to President Muhammadu Buhari and widely published by the Nigerian media .

The Concerned Stakeholders in the Struggle (CSS) in a tersely worded 

message described the  purported Urhobo Council of  Youths in Abuja in

the persons of  Peter Aghogho, Chairman, Omega Williams Olotu, Vice Chairman and Festus Vwravra , Secretary as impostors hired  by Cornel Milland Dikio( RTD) to play his bidding by ochestrating a script that Will make relevant authorities of  Government  remove attention from him

as the chief culprit of the on going imbroglio.

The Concerned Stakeholders Group  in the Struggle (CSS) of Ex Agitators for justice in a statement signed by  General Tete Mache, General Stephen Akpokere, General Usikaro Daniel and General

Solomon Umukoro and others made it explicitly clear that , those Urhobo boys resident in Abuja were  rented by Dikio to do a spoiler job  and they have no inkling of what is going on in the  PAP offíce as they are not part of the struggle but only hired to polish Dikio like a saint who is too holy to behold sin.

The Concerned Ex Agitators alleged that, the  so called Abuja bassed Urhobo Youth Council boys  are the ones benefiting from the ghost slots , a deal well arranged by Dikio ,Alfred Kemepade and their Partners  in the PAP office that is why they were quick to come out to defend what they know nothing about.

The  Ex Agitators  stressed in their solidarity message  that the Niger Delta United Group of the PAP Phase 3 are not impostors as painted by the Dikio errant Abuja 

Urhobo boys but  rather they are agrieved  genuine and bonafide, 

members of the PAP Programme Phase 3  who willingly surrendered their arms and ammunitions but now have   germane complaints as a result of some grey areas highlighted in their 12 point demands.

The  Group maintained  that the self acclaimed  Urhobo Youth Council Abuja,

Chapter are not known and recognised because  the Urhobo Youth  Council President recognised in Abuja  is Comrade Power  Enerho  from Ethiope  East LGA,  hence we assert that   they lack locus standi and moral authority to speak on Amnesty  Phase 3  matter . 

 The CSS Group of Ex Agitators stood their Ground that the faceless Abuja Urhobo Youths  know nothing about what the Niger Delta united Group is saying  in particular and the struggle in the Niger Delta in general.

They said: " Unequivocally, we throw our weight behind the Niger Delta United Group publication and challenge

the so called Abuja  boys to come out

to the Effurun  barracks with their JTF clearance certificates  in  Warri to show themselves  Effurun Army barracks where we were all  disarmed verified

and documented 


They went further saying : " The most honorable thing to do now is for

the PAP offíce to settle the Niger Delta United Group because conscience indeed is an open wound, only the truth can heal it.'

The group added: "  From our  findings, the Niger Delta United Group have made valid claim which are verifiable, hence we are declaring that these so called Urhobo boys should be declared wanted

and  arrested because

they are e making  themselves cogs in the Path to Justice, by alleging that the Niger Delta United Group is fake."

The Concerned Ex Agitators said: " The claim by the 

so called Abuja  Urhobo Youth Council boys  in their illfated  publication that our entitlements has been paid up to date, is a  blank lie from the pit of hell,

because the verifiable fact remains that  the only thing we the leaders of Amnesty phase 3 have gotten is the monthly N 65, 000 stipend 

which we share with our camp boys 

besides  that  we have not gotten anything like leadership training  empowerment, camp allowance, scholarship slots, impacted training etc."

ln summation, they said: "  Let us make it abundantly clear that  the enlistment

of our camp boys, the documentation, training , empowerment , surveillance,etc Which the fake   Abuja Urhobo Youth Council  boys falsefuly  claimed to have been done for us by the   PAP offíce,  

are indeed   our fundamental demands that should be given to  all phase 3 leaders  to bring about a lasting peace in the Niger Delta region."


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