Commissioning of PTI Fire Academy: Another Evidence of The lnstitute Leadership in Training and Capacity Building

 Commissioning of PTI  Fire Academy:

Another Evidence of The lnstitute Leadership in Training and Capacity Building

By Wilson Macaulay


The Petroleum Training lnstitute PTl Effurun Delta State yesterday Monday  24th October 2022 Commissioned her Fire Academy at the Osubi Campus of the lnstitute to the admiration of relevant stakeholders across board.

 RT Hon Elder  Sheriff Francis Orohwedor Oborevwori , the Speaker Delta State House of Assembly, (DTHA) and    PDP Governorship candidate for Delta State  2023 general election , Who was the Special Guest of Honour at the event  ably represented by  his Chief of Staff,Hon Ebenizer Okorodudu in

his speech  shortly  before the official commissioning of the PTI Fire Academy  congratulated the Principal and Chief Executive Officer of the Institute , Dr Henry Adimula , all top Management Staff for their foresight and vision.

Hon  Ebenizer Okorodudu on behalf of DTHA Speaker, also appreciated the Pioneer Director ,PTI Skills Development Academy, Dr Kelvin ldehen , the Alumni Association ,ably led by Engr Augustine Garry Otokohwemu

Oyedjorjevwe, for the selfless services 

they have been  rendering towards 

 the golden jubilee celebration and

for  the milestone achievement of actualizing the  laudable  dream  of PTI Fire Academy.

Hon  Okorodudu  who further  appreciated   and recognised  the fundamental role of PTI in the development of the Petroleum Sector of

 the Nigerian economy pointed out that 

the Special Guest, RT Hon Sheriff Francis Orohwedor Oborevwori has been 

a life partner of the Institute and he  is

always ready  at any given time to  contribute his quota to the building effort of the Petroleum institute at all levels.

 Hon Okorodudu in his representative capacity as the Special Guest ,heartly congratulated  the pioneer students and specifically commended Dr Henry Adimula the PTI

Chief Executive  for thinking outside the box to bring this project into reality

through collaborative effort with  a very effective synergy.

The Chairman of the Occasion , Dr  Alfred Okoigun a distinguished alumnus

of PTI and MD Arco Group Plc, in his

opening speech,  observed that PTI

as a leading institute in training and capacity building, has done it again 

by coming up with an idea of Fire Academy which is very important as

a matter between life and death.

 Dr Okoigun who  recalled the US  September 2011 fire incident , stated that   the role fire fighters played and how they received Presídential Awards

is an eye opener to the fact that our  society must make delibrate effort to create awareness for the essentials of fire fighting.

He assured prospective traineesb that the PTI Fire Academy

is designed to trained certified fire fighters  employable any where and they can be fabulously paid for their professional services, be it in Asia, Europe , America or even in our domestic environment.

Earlier in his welcome address,

Dr Henry Adimula the Principal / Chief Executive Officer of the lnstitute, 

 stated that the idea of PTI Fire Academy is in line with the continuous drive of the Institute, not only to blaze the trail, but to proffer timely and qualitative solutions to challenges being experienced in the Oil and Gas industry in particular and the nation's economy at large.

Dr Henry  Adimula the PTI Chief Executive who stressed the relevance

of a Fire Academy to  our contemporary

realities,  said: 

 "Nigeria’s economy has been bleeding financially from the negative effect  of preventable or manageable fire incidents in the oil and gas sector and other sectors with an estimated losses of  about N41.54 billion in the last two years., a  situation which made it impossible  for (PTI) to remain silent and watch the Nation  to continue  suffering  from the  colossal  losses when the Institute  can easily stop this monster and block this resource drain pipe. 

The PTI boss stated  further  that the

 Fire Academy, as a one-stop fire-fighting Centre, is specialized in hydrocarbon and domestic fire fighting

with the  main objective  to impart knowledge through the training of competent personnel across various industries who will be well equipped with the proficiency of extinguishing fire and rescue services in order to protect lives and properties in the event of any fire outbreak.

Dr Adimula the Academic Don explained  in his welcome address that the PTI Fire Academy is  designed and tailored

to focus on  building a structured  training  that looks into all aspects of fire prevention and control, fire fighting and the business aspect of fire fighting and management.  

 Speaking further , he added :

 "We are currently in the process of partnership with other relevant stakeholders in the fire fighting business like the Federal Fire Service, Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria, the Nigerian Navy,  the Nigerian Air Force and other sister agencies to achieve our aim."

Dr Adimula who  acknowledged that 

Fire fighting is not only for professionals but for everybody ,noted that  a lot of fire outbreaks  happens due to  lack of awareness, ignorance and the inability of people to be able to combat fire at the  incipient or initial stage  , hence the Academy is opened to all. 


He disclosed that 

the Academy will run on full time and part time basis, classes, drills and 

a  variety of Courses ranging from: Awareness Courses, Fire Management Courses, Fire Engineering Courses, Administrative Courses, Specialized Courses, and Professional Courses

with the  duration of the programmes ranging  from 1 to 16 weeks and 3-9 months. 

Dr Adimula  who appreciated the effort of his prodeccesors in the conception and birth of the Fire Academy 15 years ago charged  the pioneer students as makers of history

as he  welcomed all to  join in the vanguard of championing the course of effective, efficient and qualitative fire prevention, fighting and control management and business for a safer and more productive workplace, industry and domestic environment.

Mrs Mercy Irefo, the Coordinator PTI 

Fire Academy who centred her speech  on the vision and mission of the Academy said:  

"The Fire Academy is our pride at the moment, it was conceptualized and birthed 15 years ago   due to the rising cases of fire incidence in the country,

and  With the help of the Federal Government, we built the  structures here  13 years ago with the provision of some basic amenities

to   kick start. 

Mrs Mercy  lrefo lamented that the Project since that 13 years have been in the corridor waiting for funding as promised to complete the Academy with the basic requirements for start off but had met brick walls along the line

with past administrations  playing  their role in pushing and seeking for funds but

all efforts   had proved abortive. 

However, she hinted that the current PTI

Chief Executive  Dr.Henry Adimula decided to think outside the box to partner with Delmatic Nigeria Limited to bring this vision to reality  with the commissioning  delibrately

fixed  on 24th October 2022 as part of the activities  marking the  50th anniversary,  of the Petroleum Training Institute to the glory of God.

 According to Mrs lrefo, the main objective of the PTI Fire Academy  to impart knowledge through the training of skill competent personnel across various industries who will be well equipped with the proficiency of extinguishing fire and rescue service in order to protect lives and properties any 

where such services us required.

Mr Kaizer  Ebi , the National Presídent of  the Institute of Safety  Professionals of Nigeria ( ISPON)  who also spoke concurred with other professional bódies present  like the Nigeria Fire Service, the 

 Nigerian Navy and the Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria( FAAN) that they will fine-tune

a collaborative synergy between their organizations and the PTI Fire Academy

to ensure that the Academy  realize the noble objective of the laudable idea of 

of professional  fire fighting .

Mr Emma Adinkwu , Manager NNPC Warri Zonal offíce, Who hailed the idea 

 in his contibution

stressed that we must always strive to make fire our servant and not our master. On behalf of the NNPC Warri Zonal offíce he presented fire extinguishers and hoses to the PTI  Fire Academy as the NNPC initial token  towards the successful take of the Academy.

Engr Augustine Garry Otokohwenu Uwevwidjorjevwe, the Presídent of the Alumni Association  who could not hide his Joy onbehalf of the old students made a donation of one million naira to support the Academy.


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