PAP Phase - 3 Ex - Agitators Punctures Isoko Youths Attacks On PAP Boss Barry Ndiomu , As They Describe Him As God Sent Through PMB To Sanitize Amnesty Programme

  PAP  Phase - 3  Ex - Agitators Punctures Isoko Youths  Attacks On  PAP  Boss Barry Ndiomu , As They Describe Him As God Sent  Through  PMB To Sanitize  Amnesty Programme 

By Wilson Macaulay


The leadership and the entire exco of 

Ex - Agitators of Presidential Amnesty Programme PAP  Phase -3 has punctured  the spuroius attack on the person of General Barry Ndiomu ( rtd) the interim  Administrator of the Presidential Amnesty Programme by some faceless  Youths from lsoko Ethnic Nationality  in Delta State who are despirate to tannish the good Image of the Amnesty boss as  published by  Flying Dutchman Online tabloids .

The Phase - 3  Ex Agitators stated unequivocally in their response to the

so called lsoko Youths publication that they lack locus standi and moral authority to disparage and speak against the person of General Barry Ndiomu whom God have sent through President Muhammadu Buhari to graciously  sanitize the PAP programme in the overall interest and benefit of all relevant stakeholders across the  Niger Delta without any iota of segregation.

The Phase- 3 Leadership of the Ex - Agitators in their official statement

signed by the National Leader of Delta State , Hon.  Birinumughan Jesse a.k.a General 90  made available to Daily lndependent Newspaper reads in part.:

" Our attention has been drawn to a publication credited to some self styled lsoko Youths  from Delta State who are sponsored by mischief makers to bring

 the hard earned  good name over time and sound character of General Barry Ndiomu ( rtd) our indifatigable Amnesty boss  to disrepute by casting aspersions

on him without any justifiable reason.

The statement continued: " We the leaders of the. Phase - 3 Amnesty Programme make bold to say that based on what we have benefitted so

far within the short period of his assumption of office, General Barry Ndiomu is indeed God sent through President Muhammadu Buhari to

sanitize the system, and we assert that he is a round peg in a round hole,"

They emphasized : "We urge all relevant stakeholders and the general public to disregard the cheap and surreptitious claim by the so called lsoko Youths who are only existing on the pages of newspapers targeted to  cast shadow on the publicly acclaimed good works of General Barry Ndiomu ,the  Amnesty boss who is always working round the clock without bias against any Ethnic Nationality."

Hon Birmingham Jesse aka General 90

the Delta State National leader  added:  " We can never allow the forces of evil and darkness to pull this unsuspecting and innocent Amnesty boss  down just because he refused to play the bidding of those who consider themselves as scared cow, on that note

we hereby pass a vote of confidence on

General Barry Ndiomu (rtd) as a  worthy Ambassador ever who is doing his very best to change the narratives of the Amnesty Programme for better."

General 90  posited: "  The  eleven youths and ex-agitators groups including President of  Isoko National Youth Council, Matthew Edugbo; President, Isoko Development Union Youth Wing, Peter Okurakpor and President, Okugbe-Isoko Youth Movement and others who are sponsored to call for the 

 resignation of Barry Ndiomu the Amnesty boss are the enemies of progress because they are only interested in supporting  people who are ready to abandon the collective interest of( PAP) to serve the clannish  desires and selfish ego ."

The Group maintained that General 

 Barry  Ndiomu ( rtd)  appointment  by Mr President is  to serve the interest of all based on his meritorious  track record of selfless service to his father land ,no amount of campaign of calumny will dissuade him from the national task that must be done.

The PAP  Phase - 3  leadership in summation took the lsoko Youths to the cleaners saying,: " The purported lsoko youths communique manufactured in Asaba clearly missed the target because

the Amnesty boss, General Barry Ndiomu (rtd )    is too busy to be distracted hence we  stand in the gap to correct the  wrong impression and the contorted lies  the lsoko Youths want 

to hoist on the  good and commendable character of the Amnesty boss."



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