PTI Fire Academy : Adimula Decorates Pioneer Batch of Trained Fire Fighters ln A Passing Out Parade


PTI Fire Academy :  Adimula Decorates Pioneer  Batch of Trained  Fire  Fighters
ln  A Passing Out Parade

By Wilson Macaulay
The PTI Fire Academy  yesterday  , Friday 16th December  2022, Organized a passing out parade  of the first batch of trained  fire fighters   totalling 22 Personnel Who successfully completed the training   at the Skill Dévelopmént  Centre of the Osubi campus of the lnstitute before they were  certified as professional fire fighters.

Dr Henry Adebowale Adimula , the Principal / Chief Executive  Officer of PTI who decorated the succesfull graduands of the PTI Fire Academy
with a fire brooch accompanied by other  top Management Staff    also mounted the guard of honour to inspect the passing out parade amidst pomp and pegeantry.

Dr Henry Adimula the PTI boss in his key note address  expressed optimism  that
the PTI Fire Academy will continue to strive to cross more vistas of progress   in the area of Training and Capacity Building of fire fighters who can walk shoulder high with their professional colleagues any where in the international Community. 

Dr Adimula asserted that the Succesfull passing out parade of the PTI Fire Academy trained personnel is a testimony of the  preparedness and  readiness of PTI to mentain it's enviable position as the centre of Academic Excellence and the hub of Training and Capacity Building in Nigeria in the particular and Africa in general. 

The erudite Academic Don who went down the memory lane  recalled 
the beginning of  story of the PTI Fire Academy which he said  Will not be complete without appreciating the founding fathers Who played significant roles at different levels  years back when the idea of the Academy was conceptualized  with the starting of the building  up till  the completion and this glorious moment of passing out parade of first batch of trained professional fire fighters.

Speaking further, Dr Henry Adimula the
PTI Chief Executive also thanked Mrs Mercy lrefo , the Coordinator of the PTI
Fire Academy for her dogednes, sustained vision, the drive and for maintininng the momentum which culminated into what we are celebrating today as a succesfull graduadtion. of the trained pioneer fire fighters of the PTI Fire Academy. 

Dr Adimula ,the PTI Chief Executive
 explained  during his speech that ,
the target is to train a crop of men and women  who are specialist in  fire fighting so that we can curtail and effectively check the menace of fire outbreaks in our immediate society. 

He gladly added: "  With this passing out parade  we can now respond
in case of any fire emergency, l am also
glad to announce to you that PTI is now
an international Centre for Training fire fighters. "

Continuing , he further emphasized: 
" We are ready to make  the PTI Fire Academy a resounding success story and we will continue to make all efforts as a corporate body at a great speed to
ensure that this lofty dream and vision is
sustained for the development of society beyond our time.

Dr Adimula who  emohasized the need for collaborative synergy said: " We are ready to partner with professional bódies local and international to ensure
that we give the very best of Training to
our personnel.

Adimula pointed out that the written  examination taken by the succesfull fire fighters of the PTI Fire Academy was moderated by an external body accredited to so  while the certicates given to them by PTI Fire Academy are
duly  endorsed by  National Fire Centre , Abuja. which validates the process
as highly  and professionally prized

He charged  the succesfull 22 graduating fire fighters of the PTI Fire Academy  out of the 26 that enrolled for the Programme to roll - up their sleeves
and take the profession serious as they are qualífied to work with that certificate in and country globally.

The PTI Chief Executive who seized the opportunity to speak about the robust report card of his stewardship said: "  Apart from the PTI fire Academy, which
is already  a milestone, similarly , we  also made other spectercular  bold steps in other fronts which yielded into 
  ability for  Training and Capacity Building of men and women in BOSIET, NEBOSH ,DMT etc."

Worthy of note, Adimula said: " PTI will continue to ensure that we have personnel trained to close the gap of lack of professional manpower in fire fighting , to meet the training needs
of energy industries  now and in the future.

The Acting Director of the Skills Development Centre,Engr AA Aremu
represented by Mr Ejiro Enakughoton
Coordinator Entrepreneurship Centre 
advised the trainees to take advantage of the opportunity at their disposal.
The Coordinator of the PTI Fire Academy Mrs Mercy lrefo earlier in her
welcome address stated that the succesfull passing out parade was
an attestation the PTI Fire Academy has come to stay.

Mr Mercy lrefo hinted that the 22 succesfully trained fire fighters
are now worthy Ambassadors of the Academy who will carry the message where ever they go , adding that they will Will also act as awareness creators by
teaching people where ever they are about the basic things they need to know about fire control and awareness.


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