Delta 2023: Hard work pays off - Ukori praises Oborevwori's excellence and dedication


By Wilson Macaulay


Amb. Comr. Jude Ukori, a People's Democratic Party (PDP) Chieftain in Delta State, has congratulated Rt. Hon. Sherriff Oborevwori on his victory at the poll that makes him the governor-elect of the state. Ukori expressed his joy in a statement released to the media, stating that Oborevwori's emergence is a sign of the people's confidence in his leadership ability.

The PDP Chieftain also called on the people of Delta State to continue praying for the Governor-elect, as he would be relying on everyone's support to deliver on his promises. He noted that it was only with the collective effort of the people that the state could experience rapid development and growth.

Ukori, in his statement, lauded the INEC for providing a level playing field for all candidates, thereby ensuring a free and fair election. He emphasized that the INEC in Delta State had shown a clear commitment to democracy, and it's the people that would benefit from the inclusive process.

Furthermore, the PDP chieftain urged the Governor-elect to remain steadfast in his commitment to the people, and prioritize the development of the state. He implored Oborevwori to focus on genuine efforts to tackle unemployment, poverty, insecurity, and other challenges facing the state.

Ukori added that "Oborevwori's emergence as governor-elect of Delta State is a recognition of his excellence, hard work, and dedication to serving his people over the years and so,  I am calling on all deltans to remain united behind the Governor-elect, and work together for the progress of the state".

Comr. Jude Ukori also said "the landslide victory at the polls by Rt Hon. Sheriff is a victory for all PDP faithfuls in the State".

Comr. Ukori also,  congratulated all the members of the house of assembly elect of the PDP and he expressed his confidence in their ability to work with the governor -elect to enable him lead Delta State towards a brighter future. He urged everyone to join hands with the Governor-elect as he takes over the mantle of leadership in the state.


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