Delta Ethnic Youths Stakeholders Applaud President Tinubu, Congratulate Chiedu As Chairman NDDC BOARD


Youth stakeholders from Ethnic Nationalities in Delta State have congratulated Barr. Chiedu Ebie on his appointment as Chairman of Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC). 

Chiedu's appointment as Chairman of NDDC Board is a welcome development, which the Youths of Delta State believe that he is abreast with the challenges of the Niger Delta Region and he will use this God's given opportunity to bring the needed development to the devastated oil producing communities of the Niger Delta Region.

 The delta state ethnic nationalities youths stakeholders are happy that a notable grassroot politician who has the interest of the people of Delta State and Niger Delta at large is appointed by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR.

"Barrister. Chiedu Ebie who hails from a major Oil and Gas producing area in Delta State, precisely from Agbor-Alidinma, Ika South Local Government Area has all the experiences to impact the economy and development of Nigeria in general.

" We, the apex Youth Chairmen, Presidents and Leaders representing the various Ethnic Nationalities expressed our profound gratitude to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu for appointing a worthy son of Delta State as Chairman of NDDC Board and we equally appeal that the President of the Federal  Republic of Nigeria should disregard any faceless and fictitious group  of youths that kick against the appointment of the former Secretary to  the Government of Delta State, " they said.

They called on the general public to disregard any fictitious group of persons trying to impersonate this revered body in Delta State, warning that any body or group of youths found in such act would  be called to order for questioning through the appropriate authority.

The Delta State Ethnic Nationalityies Youth Leaders who signed this Press Statement are; COMR. MANDELA BOMINI;

Delta Ijaw Youth - Chairman. COMR. OKOH  HERO FRIDAY;

Delta North - Ika Owa Youth President. COMR. OHAI MONDAY;

Delta North - Owerri Olubor Youth President. COMR. OKOH EMEKA;

Delta North - Ekwuoma Youth President. COMR. ELIJAH OVEDJE; 

Urhobo Youth Alliance - President. COMR. ONORODE OMAGUFI;


Delta Itsekiri Youth - Opinion Leader. Hon Okaegwu Isioma Peter;

Delta North chairman,  Integrity Youth.


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