Patani Remembers Magdalene as High Chief (Dr) Egukawhore Celebrates His Mother’s 5-Year Memorial."
*- The Chairman, DE WAYLE’S GROUP OF COMPANIES, High Chief (Dr.) Emonena Victor Wayles Egukawhore (JP, FCILG) in a heartwarming display of devotion and gratitude to God, Almighty hosted a remarkable 5th Memorial Service in honor of his late mother, Deaconess (Mrs) Magdalene Zipuamere Egukawhore, on Sunday, November 17, 2024. The grandiose event, which was held at St. Matthew Anglican Church, Patani, Delta State Nigeria, brought together family, friends, dignitaries, and well-wishers from across the Globe to celebrate the life and times of a woman whose legacy will continue to inspire generations to come. The roll call of dignitaries which is inexhaustible includes His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Delta State, Rt. (Hon) Sheriff Oborevwori who was highly represented, His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Bayelsa State, Senator Douye Diri, Senator (Dr) Arthur lfeanyi Okowa, former Governor of Delta state, His Excellency, Dr Peter Mbah the Executive Governor of Enug...
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