Governor Oborevwori’s First Year: It is one year of the wonders of the MORE Agenda,Say Emevor's Royal Father

By Wilson Macaulay

HRH Dr John Holt Ologho, the Odion of Emevor Kingdom, in Isoko North Local Government Area, in a resounding endorsement of Governor Sheriff Oborevwori’s administration, 

has lauded the Governor's achievements during his first one year in office. 

 Dr John Holt the Odion praised the Governor for the fast pace of infrastructural development across Delta State, underscoring the significant progress made in various sectors.

During the Media  address in his Palace,

the Odion highlighted the Governor’s dedication to peace-building initiatives, which have fostered a more harmonious environment in the state. 

He commended the administration’s commitment to ensuring safety and stability, which has been instrumental in promoting social cohesion and economic growth.

 HRH Dr John Holt the  Emevor Royal Father also commended Governor Oborevwori's empowerment programs, which have provided numerous opportunities for the youths and other vulnerable groups in the state. 

These initiatives have been pivotal in reducing unemployment and fostering entrepreneurship, thus contributing to the overall prosperity of Delta State.

 The Odion made a Compassionate  appeal to Governor Oborevwori for the establishment of a cottage hospital in Emevor. He emphasized the importance of such a facility in improving healthcare access  for residents, particularly those in rural areas who often face significant challenges in obtaining medical care.

"The pace of infrastructural development under Governor Oborevwori's leadership is indeed  commendable," the Odion stated. 

"His attention to peace-building has ensured a stable and secure environment for our people.

He added: " Additionally, the empowerment programs initiated by 

the Oborevwori  administration has  brought hope and opportunities to many. He, however,  emphasized his appeal to the Governor to consider the establishment of  the cottage hospital in Emevor, which will greatly enhance healthcare delivery in Emevor  community and environs.

He pionted out that Governor Sheriff Oborevwori’s administration has been characterized by a proactive approach to governance, with numerous projects aimed at improving the quality of life for Delta State residents. 

The Odion’s Positive appraisal of Governor Sheriff Oborevwori one year in office  is a reflection of the widespread approval and support the Governor has garnered during the last one year in office.

As Governor Oborevwori marks his first year, the people of Delta State look forward to continued progress and accelerated  development under his leadership. The call for a cottage hospital in Emevor stands as a reminder of the expected  needs of local communities and the potential for further advancements in the state’s healthcare infrastructure.


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