TechnipFMC Trains PTI Academics Staff on Subsea Overview

By Wilson Macaulay Warri The deliberate efforts towards up scaling and enhancing the skills of its Training Staff by the Petroleum Training Institute's (PTI) Management recently recorded a boost with the recent training on Subsea Overview. The training which was anchored by TechnipFMC was aimed at exploring all the major aspects of processes, technologies and systems overview involved in subsea oil and gas production. Subsea engineering is a multidisciplinary field that is broadly responsible for the design, construction, installation and operation of offshore oil and gas fields and offshore wind farms which the Institute is greatly involved. Declaring the training open, the Institute's Principal and Chief, Dr. Henry A. Adimula said the training was aimed at improving and upscalling the staff skills to enable them participate in offshore business activities of the oil and gas industry. “As you are aware, most activities in the upstream section of the oil sector are no...